

“交流要建立在文化的基础之上。语言是交流的桥梁。” 星海实验中学的张锡斌老师告诉Ulink Focus,“英语是我们的第二语言,对丹麦学生也是一样。希望通过交流,可以互相学习生活方式、处事态度、民俗习惯……”

‘Communication is built in the foundation of culture and language makes it,’ said the headmaster of Xinghai Experimental Middle School.



The students from Denmark and Xinghai Middle School came to Suzhou to visit Ulink Collge of SIP today.


随着Mr. Oriko和Coach Mata的欢迎致辞结束,领科的小伙伴们立刻拿出了东道主的姿态,与远到而来的丹麦同学们谈起来,其中不乏春季刚刚入学的Pre IG的同学们。而在谈论中,平时的学习生活便是谈论的重点。大家纷纷谈论今后想去的国家,心仪的大学等等。而交流自己的爱好也是一个热门的话题。

After Mr. Oriko and Coach Mata’s speech, students from Ulink started to talk to the students from Denmark. The talking is mainly about daily life and studying. They all shared their opinions about universities with each other.





Additionally, many of them find friends within same hobbies.