CIE大军兵临城下,为了激发我校学生学习学科知识的热情,拓展人文科学思维,使大家在丰富趣味的竞赛氛围中增强学习意识,领科教育苏州校区举办了Giga Quiz知识竞赛。
Since this week, our school has officially entered the stage ofCIE examination . It aims to enrich the students' extracurricular life byorganizing interesting activities. Giga-quiz, is one of them.
Giga Quiz是一场现场参与式的竞赛,由来自4个House的12个团队通过回答不同学科的问题参与竞争。每个House会派出3支队伍,共12名选手参加。Giga Quiz共有4个回合,每个回合的机制都会变化以测试选手的能力。
Giga Quiz is a on-site participatory contest where 12 teams from 4 Houses will compete against each other by answer questions from various disciplines. Specifically, there will be 3 teams from each house and 4 students per team, with 2 IG students and 2 AS/A2 students. Giga Quiz has 4 rounds, in which mechanism for each round will vary to test candidates’ ability.