  • 编辑部 Ulink Focus编辑部 Ulink Focus [ 2019-08-05 ]

    Ulink Focus编辑部是一支历史悠久并在不断创新,不断进步的校队。我们一直致力于用文字和图片描绘在Ulink美好难忘的校园生活,用校刊《声世》、微信公众号以及Utube广播站,让老师和同学们能够在学习之余享受美好的阅读体验,也让Ulink的校园文化、校园精神得到书面的体现,努力打造Ulink绚丽的名片,记录精彩的生活瞬间。 Ulink Focus is an innovative school team with a long history. We are always working to r… [详情]

  • 慈善基金会 Charity Foundation慈善基金会 Charity Foundation [ 2019-08-05 ]

    基金会成立四年,共募集善款近六万元,为苏州工业园区汤妈妈公益慈基金会先后捐赠善款两万八千元。社团成员共同努力,为公益发声。Since its establishment four years ago, the foundation has raised nearly 60,000 yuan, and donated 28,000 yuan to the Suzhou Industrial Park Tang Mother Charity Foundation to solve the problems of drinking water and school supplies for poor children in Guizhou Provinc… [详情]

  • 管弦乐团 Orchestra管弦乐团 Orchestra [ 2019-08-05 ]

    我们的团员是一群活泼友善积极向上的乐器大佬, 各个大型活动里都有我们的声音, 在Ulink第一红娘校队里你会找到你心仪的另一半! [详情]

  • 民乐团 National Orchestra民乐团 National Orchestra [ 2019-08-05 ]

    瑶鸾琵琶,声影绰绰。奚月成歌,珏埙为韬。 一个只给少数人提供机遇的团体。 一个和谐自由不摆谱的勤勉集体。 一支不走寻常路的传统文化传承队伍。 [详情]

  • 模拟联合国 MUN模拟联合国 MUN [ 2019-08-05 ]

    我们是苏州领科模拟联合国协会(UlinkMUNC),是学校的校队之一。建社以来,模联社一直以“学术至上”为原则,培养了一届又一届学术过硬,综合能力强的优质代表,斩获国内外模联多个奖项,社团也在学校的帮助和支持下成为了集模拟联合国,模拟法庭,商赛和军事推演等各类模拟会场在内的全方位,多功能社团。 We are the Suzhou Ulink Model United Nations Congress(UlinkMUNC), one of the school teams… [详情]

  • 女子篮球队 Girls’ Basketball Team女子篮球队 Girls’ Basketball Team [ 2019-08-05 ]

    女篮队是一支很受欢迎的校队,经常代表学校参加比赛和联赛。这里是实现女孩子篮球梦的地方,记录着队员们的努力和对篮球的热爱。 大家积极向上,十分团结,在打球中收获友谊和快乐。 [详情]

  • 女子足球队 Girls' Football Team女子足球队 Girls' Football Team [ 2019-08-05 ]

    ULINK girls football team was set up last year, we had pleasure playing football and cooperating with each other. This year, we scored our first goal, which motivate us to keep going. We girls have the passion to win the game even the cup. We will keep calm and love football! [详情]
