周末班机器人课程,学生将学习使用积木块的图形化编程语言对mBot Ranger机器人进行编程,实现小车竞速,躲避障碍,声音控制等功能。课堂里组织各种挑战赛,在游戏中收获编程的快乐。
In the robotics weekend camp, students will learn to program mBot Ranger robots using the graphical programming language of building blocks to achieve car racing, obstacle avoidance, and sound control. Various challenges was organized in the classroom and students would enjoy programming in the game.
The course content includes an introduction to mBot, perceptual feedback, information processing, and principles of computer science. It covers basic robot programming concepts as well as interactive activities, games and teamwork.
In the process of hands-on building, students will understand the computer graphics programming language and cultivate logical thinking, and we teach English by foreign teacher, assisted by the guidance of the Chinese teacher, letting you cultivate both computer programming ability and English understanding ability.